Guest Column: Sanitizing the seatback
This is a special feature from PAX Tech's July Cabin Hygiene, Seating & IFEC 2020 edition. The year 2020 has not been – and, most likely,...

‘Over to you’: Laurent Safar, Adaptive Channel on the future of inflight and IFE
Laurent Safar, CEO of Adaptive Channel discusses the evolution of inflight engagement in a post-coronavirus world. He discusses why...

The future of inflight magazines
By Laurent Safar, CEO of Adaptive Channel on April 20, 2020 2020 has not been – and will, most likely, not be – the year that any of us...
A library in hand: Seating, IFE & Connectivity
Media Suppliers of digital press material like newspapers and magazines deal with many of the same challenges as other media, and...