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The state of inflight entertainment, past, present and future; an Op-Ed contribution from Adaptive C

This is an Op-Ed contribution from Laurent Safar, the CEO of Adaptive, which provides mobile inflight entertainment to airlines.

Published in Runway Girl Network

Today’s consumers are completely different than the consumers of the past and their desire to be constantly connected has changed the aviation industry significantly in the past ten years; unfortunately for today’s cash-strapped airlines, keeping aviation technology up-to-date with consumers’ expectations is proving increasingly difficult. Nowhere on an aircraft is this difficulty more apparent to the consumer than the inflight entertainment system.

But there’s good news: by updating their IFE systems to meet passengers’ high-tech expectations and improving their inflight experience, airlines now have the opportunity to increase brand loyalty and, as a result, reduce costs and boost revenues. Isn’t technology amazing?!

Of course, it can be very difficult to determine which IFE solution would be best for your airline, so I’m here today to give you a handy guide to the current state of inflight entertainment and the three different types of IFE solutions available on the market: seatback IFE, wireless IFE and mobile IFE.

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