25 Million Digital Newspapers & Magazines Accessed by Passengers via Adaptive’s ACES IFE Solutio
Paris, France – August 30, 2019 – Adaptive, developer of ACES - a sophisticated mobile inflight entertainment (IFE) and digital press...

What type of IFE is best for marketing ?
Does seatback, mobile or Wireless IFE have a higher ROI for marketers ? Read more #wirelessIFE #seatbackIFE #Adaptive #adaptivechannel...

Adaptive releases nudity filter for digital press IFE content
Adaptive’s mobile IFE and digital press solution, ACES has received an add-on designed to automatically detect and exclude nudity (and...

Newsstand in hand, interview of Adaptive CEO Laurent Safar
Check out Adaptive latest news in the last issue of PAX International Magazine! (pages 26/27) The transition from print to digital press...