Adaptive's interview for Asian Aviation

Adaptive is very proud to announce its latest interview published in the Asian Aviation magazine, the region's leading Aerospace and Aviation Industry magazine.
While airlines are looking for alternatives to hardcopy newspapers and magazines, find out how Adaptive intent to respond to the needs of connected travelers with its main digital product "Adaptive Content Entertainment System"...

David Fairand, COO of Adaptive
May 17, 2018
In-flight connectivity is quickly becoming — or already has become — a must-have option for today’s traveller. AAV editor Matt Driskill caught up with David Fairand, one of the co-founders and chief operating officer of mobile in-flight provider Adaptive and got his take on the industry.
Asian Aviation : We first met at the Aviation Festival in Singapore. You told me a little about Adaptive, but what’s the short background on the company?
David Fairand : Adaptive was founded in 2009, offering mobile application developments. Both Laurent Safar and I had extensive experience in the aviation industry: Laurent had worked at Airbus for 10 years (leasing aircraft), with 15 years of prior experience in the aviation industry, and I had worked for 25 years at Capgemini and Valtech (space and aeronautic sectors) with CNES, Airbus and Thales Avionics. We were well aware of the growth in popularity of mobile devices in the aviation industry and so we wanted to find a way that mobile could help airlines reduce operational costs and improve the passenger experience, while generating more business opportunities. ACES (Adaptive Content Entertainment System) was the answer: it is a cloud-based technology platform for the distribution of digital press and other media content, available for download onto a passenger’s own mobile device.
Asian Aviation : I mentioned at the show that I thought your main market would be LCCs. You mentioned that that was not the case. Can you expand on that?
David Fairand : In most cases, LCCs are looking for short-term revenue generation. However, most of our clients are more focused on improving the passenger experience, generating more loyalty and developing new ancillary revenue opportunities, both in the short-and long-term.
Asian Aviation : Given your business, do you think the seatback IFE is dead? Or will there always be a place for the seatback model?